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An instantaneous analytical approach is developed to predict sheet flow transport in purely acceleration-skewed oscillatory flow. The approach is derived from exponential approximations of velocity and concentration profiles above a mobile seabed, and it particularly considers factors of phase lead; phase lag (i.e. phase residual and phase shift); acceleration modification; and asymmetries in shear stress, roughness height, and boundary layer development. The approach can predict net boundary layer flow above a mobile seabed, and can revert to the classical bedload model. Instantaneous and net sediment transport rates are studied using the approach. The instantaneous sediment transport rate in an onshore flow stage can be approximated by a power function of velocity in which the exponent is confirmed to range between 1 and 5 with a decrease in the phase residual. The net sediment transport rate predicted using the approach is validated using a considerable amount of measured data, and compared with existing instantaneous and half-period type models that consider the phase lag or acceleration modification. For the net sediment transport rate in purely acceleration-skewed oscillatory flow, the phase residual is less important than the acceleration-skewed boundary layer difference between onshore and offshore acceleration stages.  相似文献   
极地冰钻技术是获取冰芯,研究冰盖-冰架-海洋相互作用,以及获取极地冰下基岩与冰下水环境样品,开展冰下环境探测的重要手段。目前极地冰钻技术的难点与前沿主要包括深冰芯钻探、冰架热水钻、冰下基岩钻和冰下水环境采样与观测技术。本文针对以上4个极地冰钻关键技术,对国内外相关技术的研究进展与项目开展情况进行了总结与梳理。综合来看,虽然我国开展极地钻探技术研究起步较晚,但随着我国极地战略不断推进,我国的极地冰钻关键技术与装备的研究正持续向着赶超极地钻探强国方向迈进,这必将为我国的极地科学研究提供强有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   
我国海洋动力灾害研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋动力灾害(包括灾害性海浪、风暴潮、海冰、海啸等)是对我国沿海地区造成破坏和损失最大的自然灾害之一。开展海洋动力灾害研究具有重要意义和迫切的国家需求。本文回顾我国建国以来在海洋动力灾害研究方向的主要进展,重点针对近年来我国在海洋动力灾害数值模拟预报以及灾害风险评估等方面的进展进行综述,并在此基础上提出未来的发展展望,希望给海洋防灾减灾科研工作者提供参考。  相似文献   
杨兵  侯一筠 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(5):978-990
基于高分辨率CFSR(climate forecast system reanalysis)风场资料、气候态海洋混合层厚度资料和卫星高度计海面高度异常资料,本文估计了大气风场向全球海洋混合层的近惯性能通量和近惯性能量输入功率,并探究了混合层厚度、风场时间分辨率、经验衰减系数和中尺度涡旋涡度对近惯性能通量和能量输入功率的影响。浮标实测风场和流速表明,本文所用的风场和阻尼平板模型可用于估计风场向全球海洋的近惯性能通量。本文计算得到的大气向全球海洋输入近惯性能量的功率为0.56TW(1TW=10~(12)W),其中北半球贡献0.22TW,南半球贡献0.34TW。在时间上,风场的近惯性能通量呈现各个半球冬季最强、夏季最弱的特征,这和西风带风场的季节变化有关。在空间上,近惯性能通量的高值海域为南、北半球西风带海洋,尤其是南大洋。混合层厚度和风场空间不均匀性使得西风带近惯性能通量呈现纬向变化,即海盆西部强于海盆东部。风场时间分辨率对近惯性能通量的估计至关重要,低时间分辨率风场对近惯性能通量的低估达到13%—30%。阻尼平板模型中的经验衰减系数对近惯性能通量估计的影响不超过5%。中尺度涡旋涡度仅改变近惯性能通量的空间分布,而对全球近惯性能量输入功率的影响可以忽略。  相似文献   
利用欧洲中心气候再分析资料和美国国家冰雪数据中心北极海冰面积资料,分析了夏季北极海冰面积与前期大气经向热量输送年际变化的联系。结果表明:6月北半球中高纬大气的经向热量输送以瞬变热量形式为主,其中巴芬湾西部(B区)和格陵兰岛东部(G区)是瞬变热量向极区传输的两个通道,二者之间存在反位相的协同变化,且这种协同变化与夏季北极海冰面积变化密切相关。可能的机制为:6月,AD、AO和NAO三种北极大气环流型能够引起巴芬湾西部和格陵兰岛东部瞬变热量输送的协同变化,这种协同变化通过涡旋动力作用激发夏季极区大气表现为AD异常,同时影响途经区域的气温,从而通过热动力作用影响夏季北极海冰。将向极区输送的热量称为暖输送,从极区输出的热量为冷输送,则上述两个区域的瞬变热量协同输送可分为三种情况:B暖G冷、B冷G暖、B和G均冷,而B和G均暖的情况十分罕见。当B区向极区输入、G区输出热量时,有利于太平洋扇区和喀拉海的海冰偏少;当G区输入、B区输出热量时,利于喀拉海和拉普捷夫海海冰偏少;当B区和G区均输出热量时,利于波佛特海南部、喀拉海和拉普捷夫海海冰偏多,反之则相反。  相似文献   
为了更有效地将卫星数据应用于北极航行导航,被动微波(PM)产品的海冰密集度(SIC)与从中国北极科学考察中收集到的船基目视观测(OBS)资料进行了比较。在2010、2012、2014、2016和2018年的北极夏季总共收集了3667组目测数据。PM SIC取自基于SSMIS传感器的NASA-Team(NT)、Bootstrap(BT)以及Climate Data Record(CDR)算法和基于AMSR-E/AMSR-2传感器的BT、enhanced NT(NT2)以及ARTIST Sea Ice(ASI)算法。使用PM SIC的日算术平均值和OBS SIC的日加权平均值进行比较。比较了PM SIC和OBS SIC之间的相关系数,偏差和均方根偏差,包括总体趋势以及在轻度/普通/严重冰况下的情况。使用OBS数据,浮冰尺寸和冰厚对不同PM产品SIC反演的影响可以通过计算浮冰尺寸编码和冰厚的日加权平均值来评估。我们的结果显示相关系数的范围为0.89(AMSR-E/AMSR-2 NT2)到0.95(SSMIS NT),偏差的范围为-3.96%(SSMIS NT)到12.05%(AMSR-E/AMSR-2),均方根偏差的范围为10.81%(SSMIS NT)到20.15%(AMSR-E/AMSR-2 NT2)。浮冰尺寸对PM产品的SIC反演有显著的影响,大多数PM产品倾向于在小浮冰尺寸情况下低估SIC,而在大浮冰尺寸情况下高估SIC。超过30 cm的冰厚对于PM产品的SIC反演没有明显影响。总体来看,在北极夏季,SSMIS NT SIC与OBS SIC之间有着最好的一致性,而AMSR-E/AMSR-2 NT2 SIC与OBS SIC的一致性最差。  相似文献   
The extremely low temperature, high humidity and limited power supply pose considerable challenges when using spectrometers within the Arctic sea ice. The feasibility of using a miniature low-power near-infrared spectrometer module to measure solar radiation in Arctic sea ice environments was investigated in this study.Temperature and integration time dependences of the spectrometer module were examined over the entire target operating range of –50℃ to 30℃, well below the specified operating range of this spectrometer. Using these observations, a dark output prediction model was developed to represent dark output as a function of temperature and integration time. Temperature-induced biases in the saturation output and linear operating range of the spectrometer were also determined. Temperature and integration time dependences of the signal output were evaluated. Two signal output correction models were developed and compared, to convert the signal output at any temperature within the operating temperature range and integration time to that measured at the reference temperature and integration time. The overall performance of the spectrometer was evaluated by integrating it into a refined fiber optic spectrometry system and measuring solar irradiance distribution in the ice cover with thickness of 1.85 m in the Arctic during the 9th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition. The general shape of the measured solar irradiance above the snow surface agreed well with that measured by other commercial oceanographic spectroradiometers. The measured optical properties of the sea ice were generally comparable to those of similar ice measured using other instruments. This approach provides a general framework for assessing the feasibility of using spectrometers for applications in cold environments.  相似文献   
Interannual variability(IAV) in the barrier layer thickness(BLT) and forcing mechanisms in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean(EEIO) and Bay of Bengal(BoB) are examined using monthly Argo data sets during 2002–2017. The BLT during November–January(NDJ) in the EEIO shows strong IAV, which is associated with the Indian Ocean dipole mode(IOD), with the IOD leading the BLT by two months. During the negative IOD phase, the westerly wind anomalies driving the downwelling Kelvin waves increase the isothermal layer depth(ILD). Moreover, the variability in the mixed layer depth(MLD) is complex. Affected by the Wyrtki jet, the MLD presents negative anomalies west of 85°E and strong positive anomalies between 85°E and 93°E. Therefore, the BLT shows positive anomalies except between 86°E and 92°E in the EEIO. Additionally, the IAV in the BLT during December–February(DJF) in the BoB is also investigated. In the eastern and northeastern BoB, the IAV in the BLT is remotely forced by equatorial zonal wind stress anomalies associated with the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO). In the western BoB, the regional surface wind forcing-related ENSO modulates the BLT variations.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study are carried out a series of controlled large wave flume experiments using fine-grained sediment from the Huanghe River Delta, exploring the complete sequence of sediment behavior in the bottom boundary layer(BBL) during wave-induced liquefaction. The results show that:(1) The BBL in silty seabed is exposed to a progressive wave, goes through a number of different stages including compaction before liquefaction, sediment liquefaction, and compaction after liquefaction, which determines the range and thickness of BBL.(2) With the introduction of waves, first, the sediment surface has settled by an amount S(S=1–2 cm) in the course of wave loadings with an insufficient accumulation of pore water pressure. And a thin high concentration layer formed the near-bed bottom.(3) Once the liquefaction sets in, the liquefied sediment with an ‘orbital motion' and the sub-liquefied sediment form a two-layer-sediment region. The range of BBL extends downwards and stopped at a certain depth, subsequently, develops upwards with the compaction process. Meanwhile, resuspended sediments diffuse to the upper water column.(4) During the dynamics process of the BBL beneath progressive waves, the re-suspended sediment increment ranked as sediment liquefaction erosion before liquefaction compaction after liquefaction.  相似文献   
The effect of river runoff over the northern Indian Ocean(NIO) especially over the Bay of Bengal(Bo B) has been studied using global Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean(NEMO). Two sensitivity experiments, with and without river runoff are conducted and the influence of river runoff on the Indian Ocean hydrography,stratification and circulation features are studied. It is found that due to river runoff surface salinity over the northern Bo B decreases by more than 5 and the East India Coastal Current strengthens by 2 cm/s during post monsoon season. The fresh river water reaches up to 15°N in the Bo B and is the main cause for low salinity there.Sea surface temperature in the northwestern Bo B increases by more than 0.2℃ due to the river runoff in summer monsoon while surface cooling upto 0.2℃ is seen in north-west part of Bo B in winter season. The seasonal mixed layer depth in the region is found to be dependent on river runoff. The effect of vertical shear and Brunt Vaisala frequency on stratification is also examined. The ocean water becomes highly stratified up to 3 035 m due to the river runoff. It is found that the energy required for mixing is high in the northern and coastal Bo B.  相似文献   
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